Thursday, December 17, 2009

A response to an additional response

Mr. Kane
Thank you for your concise clarification. I apologize I was unable to comprehend your original intention. I can certainly appreciate your point of view on this one -- which is why I have clung to my optimism with both hands. After all, 2012 is not that far off.
So instead of continuing to beat a dead horse, since we are for the most part in agreement with each other, let me give you a few things that you can, in fact, hang your hat on as 2009 comes to a close:
1. Your president, who may be idealistic and at times, overly optimistic, has succeeded in getting the Health Care debate front and center in 2009. As stated previously, no administration in American history has actually succeeded in getting Health Care to the floor of Congress. While an actual piece of legislation may be far off, the fact is it is finally within arms reach.
2. Your president, our president, has not been caught in any sort of scandal. In an age where financial and marital problems are on the rise, President Obama has been able to escape scandal in both his personal and political life. He had no involvement in the Blago scandal (former IL governor who now stands trial on federal corruption charges), as well as ties to Tony Rezko, the prestigious fund raiser from Chicago. For someone who is tied very closely to Chicago politics, he has managed to come out on top. Trust me, this is far easier said than done in this city.
3. He remains optimistic. While critics (tea party participants, FOX "news" corespondents and others) continue to dig for dirt on how to minimize his accomplishments, the President has frequently turned the other cheek and continued on his road to recovering America's soiled reputation. He has managed to carefully and tactically expose the GOP for what they truly are: a bunch of whiny, hypocritical idiots who wouldn't be able to find morality with two flashlights and a Garmin.

These 3 things are just a few of the many accomplishments this administration has delivered in 2009. I encourage you to look back on a year-to-year basis under previous administrations and try to find the same.

Well played, Mr. Kane! Well played.

-- Kaela

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