Dear Chicago Transit Authority,
On behalf of the good citizens of Chicago, I would like to congratulate you on the recent funding approval from Springfield. It thrills me to no end to know my fares will not go up for at least 2 years. While my wallet is safe for now, I am still greatly concerned with the possible service cuts and layoffs that are potentially looming.
As a former resident of Upstate New York, I understand the argument that it is not responsible to put the states tax dollars toward a program that only benefits those who live in Chicago. I get that, and I support that. Which is why I believe it is up to your agency to start getting creative and find a few ways to raise funding for this failing system. Here are some of my thoughts:
1. Privatize the Stations: It was proposed in the a recent edition of REDEYE that Apple, Inc was considering taking over the rehabilitation of the North/Clyborne stop on the CTA Redline. I say, Have At It! On top of creating a fantastic revenue generator, think of all the business Apple, Inc. would then receive. And who would they thank for it? That's right, CTA -- YOU! Free Publicity! How much better can it get?
I'm visualizing Starbucks at the Belmont Stop, PotBelly at Howard and maybe, just maybe WINDOWS would sponsor the Jackson interchange. This could mean great things for all of us, but primarily those who utilize this system as part of our daily routines.
2. Space for Rent: At Grand/State on the Redline, there is a large quantity of space which could be rented out to potential vendors (Starbucks, McDonald's, 711). Not only would this help commuters who are looking for a convenient place to get a coffee, buy a paper or a pack of gum, but it would assist the tourist population as well. Just think, Tourists could actually stop somewhere and BUY a map of the CTA, or future residents of Chicago who are coming to apartment hunt could buy a map AND a Chicago Trib.
Again, everyone wins!
3. Stop with the Spending: I appreciate your initiatives to clean up the stations, fix what's broken and enhance service, probably more than most people. I applaud what you've done at Belmont and Fullerton and think the work you are doing at Grand/State is wonderful. Truly, I do. But tell me, CTA - why did you purchase flat panel televisions to hang at the stations in the loop and at Addison? What good is that doing you? While waiting for trains to Midway in the Loop as well as after Cubs games at Addision, I clock only 3 ads being displayed. Since you've already spent the money, perhaps you could work a little harder at increasing the value proposition of this purchase. I'm seeing a partnership with a local news station (again with the sponsoring). If ABC sponsors Addision, then they get to air their news at that station AND advertise their programming. I'm seeing $$$, lots and lots of $$$
On behalf of the all Chicago commuters, large and small, I am begging you to get your act together. I cannot afford a car. It's just not a possibility. Additionally, my duty to Mother Earth is to use public transportation any chance I get. Please stop being idiotic about your spending and start understanding that the CTA is a necessity not only for working professionals, but school children, college kids and the elderly.
Get a grip. Let's make some magic.
Sincerely yours,
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